Album of the Month... February 2015

Eternal Misery by No Zodiac

10 Dec 2011

Unfold: 'Cosmogon'

Recently I was contacted by Domino Media Agency marketing and communication company for metal/hardcore bands. I was pleased to find out that they had sent me the new Unfold record Cosmogon and have now returned after a seven year hiatus. This album was released a few weeks ago on Division Records. Unfold are a six piece Metal/Hardcore band from Switzerland and formed in 1996, and after releasing a new album are still going strong after their absence.

After listening to both of their previous releases, Pure and Aeon-Aony, both containing a fierce mix of sludge, metal and hardcore, I didn't think these albums could be topped, however Cosmogon proved me wrong, and it’s as prime as their previous efforts. This record contains 6 brand new tracks of heavy style sludge/hardcore which are not to go unmissed. Throughout the whole album there is a great anger that is evident through the tremoring vocals. This band has put out all the stops resulting in their best and heaviest release yet.

If you’re into bands such as Cult of Luna, Callisto and Amenra then you’re definitely going to like Cosmogon without a doubt. They mix a promising amount of hardcore with just enough metal to pull of their a strong sound. Listening to the first track Erebe you gain an instant feel to their style which pans out the image for the rest of the album. What I really like about this band is that they have enigmatic lyrics that stretch your imagination and leave you to make your own decisions on the complete meaning of each song. There is a consistent array of colossal drum beats combined with bulky, sludgy sounding guitar riffs which can especially be heard in the songs Hystrion and Eschaton.

This record is a more diverse approach to their sound including using some pleasant piano tunes in the introduction track, shorter and harder hitting songs and also the use of cleaner vocals. They combine all these newer elements with their older individual sound to pull out an excellent sounding album. This is an album that will get stuck in your head and will have you listening to it over and over. I am glad that they have returned with such a brilliant album which you should check out for yourselves.

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